Lost in the light of darkness...

Lost in the light of darkness...
Where is it...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Story of a boy who lost his heart...

I know a story... of a boy who lived many years ago. This boy was sweet and a gentleman, but oh so naive... He met a girl, this girl took his breath away. Every time she entered the room his heart stopped. He finally work up the nerve to ask this pretty girl out. She said yes, oh how he was excited. He did everything to make it perfect, every romantic gesture, every moment mattered... He was happy, she was happy, they went on for months just enjoying every second with each other, they did everything from watching movies to walking around town but their favorite thing to do was listen to the rain together, just sit and get lost in each others eyes with the only sound being the rain drops on the roof overhead... he wrote her notes every single day just to say hi how are you and I love you... yeah he had truly fallen in love... nothing mattered or even existed when she walked in the room... she was his everything. her family liked him, he was a nice guy, his family accepted her but were more cautious people... as the months went on he opened up to her and shared everything with her, something he never had done before. She accepted him for the guy he was and the man he was becoming, but it seemed that she never told him everything... she opened up to him one day and told him that she had cheated on him... his heart broke but he was so in love he told her it was OK he forgave her, he would have done anything to just see her smile again... her guilt turned to anger and she soon started to resent him, he was not worth it anymore he didn't give her everything she desired, because he was a "safe guy" he didn't party or get into trouble, he was too boring... So romeo tried to do everything to see his Juliet smile but she didnt smile with him anymore... She broke up with him, he told her it was ok, and that he could be just friends. Then she used him to get her family to accept her new BF, because if he liked the guy her family might accept him too, he went with them on dates and then watched as she gave herself away to this guy, he watched as she started to tell him he was nothing, just a bad mistake... a memory she never thinks about... he did this for months... he let her walk all over him, he slowly started to change... he stopped writing the poetry that his peers used to enjoy in years before, the poet was gone... the pictures of the sky and sunsets turned to night and the blackness within... the artist was different... he no longer felt the hopeless romantic aspect of life but only pain... and hate, he hated himself he hated her he hated everything that reminded him of what happened... He never listened to the rain again... he is lost, his heart is gone...

Time went on a few years to be exact, she called him one night to say hi and ask if they could have coffee some time... for the first time in a long time he felt something, the tears came to his eyes as he remembered how perfect it seemed to him, all the good memories for them... he said yeah and they went out a few times, she then asked him to take her back and to start over... he was feeling again the warmth of his heart was stirring like it had years before... But then he found the note she gave him all those years ago, telling him she cheated saying he was less of a man than this high school drop out... then along with the feeling of passion came the pain... he had a chance to re write the story and end it well, she was apologizing and asking to see that she never stopped loving him... he then replied to her... saying he was not ready for a relationship that she was right so many years ago that he was not ready and needed to become a man and that there was someone better out there for her than him, some one who could fulfill all of her needs of excitement and danger... his heart broke as he couldn't believe that he was walking away from the only girl he ever loved... he broke it to her softly as so he wouldn't break her heart... he still loved her... he then tore out his own heart and lost the ability to feel that simple love... maybe some day he will find himself again but, untill then he exists think about what could have been and learning to accept the decision he made... it was the best one for him, for her... but the hardest one...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Beauty in forgotten places...

Is it chance that true beauty is often lost?
Is it chance that the qualities of an amazing person are often seen as weakness?
What is beautiful to me....
A open heart...
compassion for others....
Willingness to serve...
The world views beauty as a skin-deep attribute,
People can be pretty or handsome on the outside but,
A beautiful person is someone who cares,
someone who stays up with you to talk when you are having an issue,
someone who is there for you when it seems you are alone...
someone who takes the time to understand you and find the inner side of you...
someone who genuinely cares about your well being, and wants to see you happy...
Someone who not only takes the time to help but offers you them self whenever they are needed...
Beauty of the heart has been lost ... or maybe I lost my ability to see it in people... either way... I want to see it to I will look for it. I know that there are beautiful people out there who do these and so many more things... Just appreciate them when you see them...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Letter to the heartbroken...

Dear Broken hearts...
The pain you feel, when the one you loved left...
whether they left for another,
by distance,
or even by death.
The hole they leave is just as painful,
the ache that is ripped into your soul,
the emptiness that sits where that love once was...
you still love them.
Maybe they never stopped loving you.
No matter what happened,
remember that it is ok to be sad, for a time...
remember that it is ok to be upset for a while...
but eventually...
you must say your goodbye...
move on to a bright future,
remember the past
cherish the memories,
learn from them
remember that love is the answer...
and the journey is how the heart heals...
keep your heart open...
as long as the heart is open...
it can heal...
and love can find its way in again...
a healing Heart

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dear heartbreak...

How long have I been avoiding you... how long has it been since you first affected me... why am I pretending that you are not there... when the heart breaks it can change some... those who were hopeless romantics, the ones who still believed in true love... they can be lost in a world where they don't feel love ever again. I know that a broken heart is something that takes time to heal, but how long till I can hold some one and feel the love when they hold me back? When can I get lost in someones eyes again, when can I loose my breathe when they walk in the room? It has been years since I have allowed my heart to feel that again... I know how to show my love for someone, I know all of the cute little thing I can do for someone special... but only once have I ever felt that... only once have I ever meant it with all my heart. Is it because I didn't love the others? No, I loved them but the romantic within me had died by then. I am sorry to the ones who know the pain... to those who have felt the wings of true love broken... when you loose yourself to a dark feeling of nothing. I am sorry for the ones who have been betrayed and lied to... to those who lost the one they loved, and then lost themselves. Is it possible to find the innocence again, to loose yourself in their eyes... can broken wings be mended, can my heart beat again... I want to feel again, I want to love again... I want to be free from this everlasting pain in knowing that its me who prevented the other relationships from continuing... my fears of pain and loss, my dream of darkness... someday I will be free from this... someday I will find myself again... someday I will love again... I believe these things are possible... until then, I pray... for the broken, the lost, and the fallen... Love is the answer... and the journey to freedom and love is the path of healing... remain open my brothers and sisters... love always finds a way to bring us out of the darkness... one day... Love